
Prayer Principles for Business
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 by Joan Munro

Are you a person of faith? In your head or heart? In everyday life or on the job? Or like me, do you struggle at times to be consistent in business prayer?  Whether you’re a project manager, entrepreneur, accountant, homemaker, educator,  associate, tech assistant, customer rep, laborer or a barista, have you may have heard or felt this way:

Prayer and business don’t mix… I pray only when things aren’t going well…. I’ll try to fix it on my own, then I’ll ask God for help…God’s got bigger issues to deal with...people will think I’m a religious nut case...I’m too busy to pray and God’s too busy to hear and answer…I’ll figure it out...whatever happens happens...that’s just how it goes, right?  

God doesn’t see you as a person with different masks that need to be taken on and off when you come humbly to His Throne of Grace in prayer. You can bring your prayers of praise and petition, thanksgiving and adoration, even when you don’t have the words.  Prayer is a two way conversation; speaking and listening. Take time to listen to God!

Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

                      With my roles and responsibilities in business settings, I’ve learned to ASK. 

ASK is the acronym of Prayer Principles I’ve come to recognize and realize. For me, ASK isn’t a quick fix solution or a spiritual practice per se, but a way to focus.  Praying with God’s  power and presence in mind, you can ASK.

A = Authentic  God desires me to be absolutely honest, real and transparent. Authenticity allows me to be fully open and present with God. It releases me from mask-wearing or self-deception. Be open about your fears, finances and failures as well as your plans.  Recognize that He knows who you are; Be open and vulnerable, so the Holy Spirit can reveal Himself fully. If you need wisdom, ask for it!  Maybe you’d want to write out the “wisdom” promise found in James 1: 5 – 8.

S = Specific  We are reminded in the Bible that “God already knows what we need”, but that we are to ask specifically!  Jesus asked those infirmed people seeking healing, “What is it that you want?”  It’s not presumptious to ask God for what He has laid on your heart and in your Big Dreams for business. Jehovah is the Dream Giver! God still speaks to his children in dreams, as He did in Biblical times.  Pay attention to your business dreams and passion.

K = Knowledge  God’s timing and answers to my business and/or personal prayers is always seems to different than what I hope for or expect.  My business focus or prayer can be “myopic” but God is omniscient! Having a skill set is important and essential, but I can ask God to reveal a different approach or process through my colleagues. He might use something else to reveal the application of “best practice”. The Holy Spirit, in His infinite knowledge may shift my goals or redirect my focus.

        Matthew 7: 7 and Luke 11:19  “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find….”


Even in the shifting sand of commerce, algorthims can predict trends and recall past patterns, but God has called you to a time and place to serve Him, for His kingdom and your career/work!He knows the past, present and future, becuase God is holding it all in His Almighty Hands.  ASK.  A personal and professional scripture  for me is:

  “Your own ears will hear Him. Right behind you a voice will say, ‘This is the way you should go’ whether to the right or the left.”  Isaiah 30:21

I’d be honored to talk with you further, about your business goals. Contact me [email protected].  

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